Extra Post, For Free (If You Pay the Price)

Ok, I'm getting my clock cleaned over at Tyler Tarver's site for the Worst Movie Ever competition.

It turns out I care more about this than a healthy human should, but my clock is already shiny and doesn't need more cleaning.

So head over to Tyler's site and vote for my movie, The Stupids.

I promise I'll never ask you for anything ever again, until next time.



Russ said...

I hate to crush your dream, but you will have to heavily convince me not to vote for Battlefield Earth if it makes the finals.

Laurielizard said...

Hey brother...
It figures you would pick The Stupids. Do you remember The Stupids library books? The best part of those books was the yummy smell of library glue. I voted.. only because it was for you, Stupid. :)

tylertarver said...

i could never leave you, and i'd never heave you either.

Ricky Anderson said...

Russ, only you can follow your own heart. I only ask that you at least watch The Stupids before deciding. What's that? Can't find it? Oh, I wonder why...

Laurie, thanks for voting! I love how you call me Stupid, right after admitting you huffed glue as a kid.

Tyler, that's because it's 'leave and cleave'. I appreciate it, but I'm taken.